Current Weather in Moncks Corner, SC Switch to Metric Units
Feels Like 87°F
Humidity 41% Dew Point 60°F Wind Calm Barometer 29.86 in. 758.4 mm - Steady
Solar Rad 175 w/m2
Report from 0.7 miles NNW of central Moncks Corner at
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Current Weather in Moncks Corner, SC Switch to Metric Units
Feels Like 87°F
Humidity 41% Dew Point 60°F Wind Calm Barometer 29.86 in. 758.4 mm - Steady
Solar Rad 175 w/m2
Report from 0.7 miles NNW of central Moncks Corner at
Forecast at a Glance
Sep 28
Sep 29
Sep 30
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Oct 3
Oct 4
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Weather Summary
Today Moncks Corner, SC, is expecting the weather to be mostly sunny. High temperature is predicted to be near a warm 85°F. Winds will be from the south-southwest to 9 mph. More of the Moncks Corner 10-day weather forecast can be found by scrolling down.
The current weather conditions at Moncks Corner, SC, are cloudy and have a temperature of 87°F, feeling like a hot 87°F. The humidity stands at a comfortable 41%. Dew point is 60°F. Wind is calm. The barometric pressure is 29.86 inches and is steady. Solar radiation is 175 w/m2. These conditions were observed at 2:46 PM.
This Date in Weather History
A hurricane hit Pensacola, FL. Winds gusted to 95 mph, and the barometric pressure dipped to 28.50 inches. Winds at Mobile AL gusted to 75 mph. (The Weather Channel)
More on this and other weather history
Moncks Corner 10 Day Weather Forecast Details
Day: Mostly sunny with a high temperature near 85. Winds will be from the south-southwest to 9 mph.
Night: Partly cloudy with a low temperature around 71. Winds will be from the south to 5 mph.
Sunday Sep 29
Day: Mostly sunny with a high temperature near 86. Winds will be from the southwest to 7 mph.
Night: Mostly clear with a low temperature around 71. Winds will be light.
Monday Sep 30
Day: Mostly sunny with a high temperature near 86. Heat index around 91. Winds will be from the south-southwest to 6 mph.
Night: Partly cloudy with a low temperature around 73. Winds will be from the south-southwest to 5 mph.
Tuesday Oct 1
Day: Partly cloudy with a high temperature near 85. Winds will be from the southwest to 6 mph.
Night: Partly cloudy with a low temperature around 70. Winds will be light.
Wednesday Oct 2
Day: Mostly sunny with a high temperature near 85. Winds will be light.
Night: Mostly clear with a low temperature around 69. Winds will be from the north-northwest to 5 mph.
Thursday Oct 3
Day: Mostly sunny with a high temperature near 83. Winds will be from the east to 6 mph.
Night: Partly cloudy with a low temperature around 68. Winds will be from the east-northeast to 5 mph.
Friday Oct 4
Day: Partly cloudy with a high temperature near 81. Winds will be from the northeast to 6 mph.
Night: Partly cloudy with rain showers and a low temperature around 66. Winds will be light. There's a 20% chance of precipitation.
Saturday Oct 5
Day: Partly cloudy with rain showers and a high temperature near 77. Winds will be from the northeast to 5 mph with gusts as high as 13 mph. There's a 20% chance of precipitation.
Night: Partly cloudy with isolated showers and a low temperature around 67. Winds will be from the east-northeast to 6 mph with gusts as high as 13 mph. There's a 20% chance of precipitation.
Sunday Oct 6
Day: Partly cloudy with isolated showers and a high temperature near 73. Winds will be from the northeast to 8 mph with gusts as high as 17 mph. There's a 20% chance of precipitation.
Night: Partly cloudy with isolated showers and a low temperature around 66. Winds will be from the east-northeast to 7 mph with gusts as high as 15 mph. There's a 20% chance of precipitation.
Monday Oct 7
Day: Partly cloudy with isolated showers and a high temperature near 74. Winds will be from the northeast to 8 mph with gusts as high as 17 mph. There's a 20% chance of precipitation.
Air QualityMore Details
Good time to be outside.
Sun & MoonMonthly
First Light 6:49 AM
Sunrise 7:13 AM
Sunset 7:09 PM
Last Light 7:34 PM
Moonrise 3:17 AM
Moonset 5:24 PM
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Contiguous United States Extremes
Fri's High Temperature: 114 at 4 Miles South Of Tolleson Az
Sat's Low Temperature: 22 at At 32 Miles West Southwest Of Bynum Mt And Peter Sinks Ut
Weather Folklore
A reddish sun has water in his eye; before long you won't be dry.
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This page is a helpful resource for information about the current weather in Moncks Corner, . It also includes theforecast for the next few days.
Here, you will find current information on weather details. This includes temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, andrain forecasts. We aim to provide a clear analysis of the current weather patterns. We will highlight any important changes happeningthroughout the day.
The page also has a 10-day weather forecast. It shows expected high and low temperatures, chances of rain, and possible weatheralerts. This forecast helps with daily planning and understanding long-term weather trends in the Moncks Corner area.
If you want to learn about specific weather events, we offer links to local climate details. This includes average temperaturesand rainfall.
The page also has links to interactive features. These include weather radar maps and satellite images. Users can see currentweather conditions in real-time. By accessing this information, residents and visitors alike can better prepare fortheir daily activities, whether it be commuting, outdoor events, or any other plans that may be affected by the weather.
In summary, this page is designed to equip users with all the necessary tools and information to stay informed about the weatherin Moncks Corner, ensuring they are well-prepared for whatever the skies may bring.